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Program World Class University (WCU) Prodi Magister Teknik Geotermal ITB

Program World Class University (WCU) Prodi Magister Teknik Geotermal ITB

Program World Class University (WCU) Geotermal ITB telah menyelenggarakan acara seminar kolaboratif “Halliburton Talks and Joint Student Seminar ITB – Kyushu University” antara Program Studi Magister Teknik Geotermal ITB, Halliburton, dan Kyushu University.

Topik yang dibahas adalah “Evolution of Geothermal in the Energy Transition: Business and Technology”.

Pembicara utama acara ini adalah:
Ming Ongkwan (Director, Strategic Business Sustainability Halliburton)
Helen Smyth (Head of Product, Carbon Abatement Halliburton)

Beberapa presentasi yang disampaikan meliputi:
“Modeling of The Thermomechanical Effect on Geothermal Well Injectivity” oleh Afdhal Baravanni (ITB)
“Lithium Extraction from Dieng Power Plant Geothermal Brine with Solvent Extraction Method using Di (2 ethylhexyl) Phosphoric Acid (D2EHPA) and Tributyl Phosphate (TBP)” oleh Esty Mustika Suud (ITB)
“Evaluating Sound Energy Loss and Frequency Characteristics in Wind Farm Using Acoustic Method” oleh Mizuki Imawaka (Kyushu University)
“Numerical Simulation of Unstable Geothermal Well” oleh Naoto Yoshida (Kyushu University)

Acara ini diselenggarakan di Auditorium Campus Center ITB

#GeothermalITB #GeothermalUpdate #KyushuUniversity #Halliburton #WCU

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