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Advisory Board

Advisory Board

The advisory Board of ITB Geothermal Master’s Program is in charges to provide strategic advice on the direction of the project and to develop a road map for long term sustainability of this project partnership for geothermal education. In this way, it was hoped to avoid many of the pitfalls of other initiatives by being effectively driven by the industry itself. Not only is this likely to provide a more successful result in achieving the necessary quantities of academically qualified people, it also provides a framework for industry to offer internships and other forms of technical apprenticeships to provide this new workforce with the essential work-experience – “raw graduates” alone would never solve the upcoming problem. The member of Advisory board consists of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR), INAGA (Indonesian Geothermal Association), PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Star Energy Geothermal Wayang Windu Ltd., Chevron Geothermal Indonesia Ltd., Schlumberger Ltd., Supreme Energy Ltd., Halliburton Ltd., PT Thermochem and ITB. (Smillie et al., 2015)

The most important outcomes from the meetings in 2012 and four meetings in 2013is a more permanent network established among ITB, Star Energy and members of the advisory board, i.e. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Star Energy Ltd., Indonesian Geothermal Association (INAGA/API), PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE), Chevron Geothermal Indonesia Ltd., Schlumberger, Haliburton, Supreme Energy, and PT Thermochem. The program supported by the Advisory Board is in line with the “Roadmap of the Graduate Program in Geothermal Engineering of ITB 2008-2018”. The network allows ITB to coordinate the internship program conducted in Star Energy, PT PGE, Chevron, and Supreme Energy at ease, providing more opportunities for students from the geothermal master’s program to conduct their research with those companies/developers. With the help from industry, students can now produce papers or research based on what they experience from an internship or short visitation to the existing geothermal areas. (Smillie et al., 2015)

Member of Advisory Board (2023):

  1. Ir. Hilmi Panigoro, MBA., M.Sc. (President Director of Medco Energi Internasional)
  2. Ir. Dion Murdiono (President Director of PT. ORMAT Geothermal Indonesia)
  3. Ir. Ahmad Subarkah Yuniarto Dipl in Organisational Leadership (Former President Director of PGE)
  4. Ir. Christiyono (HR-IR Special Advisor to EVP Director of PT. Smelting)
  5. Ir. Aquardi Rachmat Suminar Dipl.Geotherm En. Tech. (Head of Asset Management – Star Energy Geothermal Salak, Ltd.)
  6. Harris, S.T., M.T. (Director for Various New and Renewable Energy, Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources)
  7. Supradinata Marza S.T., M.T (Alumni Representative, General Manager of PT Geo Dipa Energy)
  8. Ir. Abadi Poemomo, Dipl. Geotherm En.Tech.(Board Member of National Energy Council)
  9. Ir. Prijandaru Effendi, M.Eng.(Executive Vice President of Supreme Energy)
  10. Ir. Nenny Miryani Saptadji, Ph.D.(Associate Professor)
  11. Ir. Ali Ashat, ST., Dipl. Geotherm En. Tech.(Research Associate, Lecturer, Advisory Board, ITB Geothermal Master Program)


Member of Advisory Board (2013-2022):

  1. Prijandaru Efendi (Chairman of INAGA)
  2. Ir. Doddy Astra, M.Sc.,MBA. (Profesional Geoscientist, SOL (Sarulla Operation Ltd.))
  3. Asrizal, S.T. (Profesional Explorationist – Star Energy Geothermal, Ltd)
  4. Ali Ashat, ST., Dipl. Geotherm En. Tech. (Profesional Rekayasa – Geothermal Consultant)
  5. lr. Nenny Miryani Saptadji, Ph.D. (Akademisi – Former Head Geothermal Master Program ITB)
  6. Supradinata Marza, M.T. (Alumni Representative, PT Geo Dipa Energy)


Member of Advisory Board (2008-2013):

  1. Dr. lr. R. Herman Damel lbrahim, M.Sc (Member of National Energy Board (DEN) and Board member of Directors (BOD) from International Geothermal Association)
  2. Dr.lr. Surya Darma, MBA.,Geotherm En.Tech. (Member of National Research Board (DEN) – Ministry of Research and Technology)
  3. Ir. Slamet Riyadi, M.T. (Director of PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy)
  4. Ir. Abadi Purnomo, Dipl. Geotherm En. Tech. (Former of chairman of Indonesian Geothermal Association (API))
  5. Dr. Djedi S. Widarto (Chief of New Energy and Green Technology, Upstream Technology Center PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO))
  6. Julfi Hadi, M.Sc., Dipl. Geotherm En.Tech. (VP Exploration & Subsurface, Supreme Energy Ltd)
  7. Ali Ashat, ST., Dipl. Geotherm En. Tech. (Geothermal Consultant)
  8. Ir. Doddy Astra, M.Sc., MBA. (Manager Geoscience GPO, Chevron Geothermal Indonesia Ltd.)
  9. lr. Antonius Resep Tyas Artono, MBA., Dipl.Geolherm. En.Tech (PT Indonesia Power)


The Task Force

Dr. Ir. Dedy Irawan, S.T., M.T.
Head of the Master Degree Program in Geothermal Technology of ITB

Dr. Eng. Ir. Suryantini, S.T., Dipl. Geoth. En.Tech. M.Sc.
She is one of the task force members for running this program. She is a lecturer in geothermal exploration.


Founder and Staffs

The Magister Program in Geothermal Technology was established at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung, Institute of Technology) or ITB in 2008. The program is managed under the organization of the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering.

  • Dean: Prof. Dr. Ir. Ridho Kresna Wattimena MT
  • Vice Dean for Academic Affairs: Prof. Dr. Eng. Syafrizal ST., MT.
  • Vice Dean for Human Resources Affairs: Dr. Susanti Alawiyah ST, MT.

The Magister Program in Geothermal Technology is supported by members of the various research group (Kelompok Keahlian) at ITB, including:

  1. Research Group  of Geothermal Engineering (KK Geotermal) at Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
  2. Research Group of Geology (KK Geologi) at Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology
  3. Research Group of Applied Geology (KK Geologi Terapan) at Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology
  4. Research Group of Geophysical Science and Engineering (KK Ilmu dan Teknik Geofisika) at Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
  5. Research Group of Earth Resources Exploration (KK Eksplorasi Sumber Daya Bumi) at Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
  6. Research Group of Reservoir Engineering (KK Teknik Reservoir) at Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
  7. Research Group of Production Technology and Management of Oil and Gas (KK Teknik Produksi dan Manajemen Migas), at Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
  8. Research Group of Energy Conversion (Konversi Energi) at Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  9. Research Group of Environmental Management Engineering (KK Teknologi Pengelolaan Lingkungan) Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Exploration Program

  1. Prof. Dr. Hendra Grandis: Drs (ITB, 1986), DEA (Univ. Paris 7, France, 1990), Dr (Univ. Paris 7, France, 1994)
  2. Dr.Eng. Ir. Suryantini: ST (ITB, 1996), Dipl. Geothermal Tech. (Univ. Auckland, New Zealand, 1999), MSc (ITC, The Netherlands, 2003), Dr (Univ. Kyushu, Japan, 2007)
  3. Dr. Ir. Prihadi Soemintadireja: Ir (ITB, 1986), MT (ITB, 1990), Dr (Univ. Kyushu, Japan, 1999)
  4. Dr. Ir. M Rachmat Sule: Ir (ITB, 1994), MT (ITB, 1996), Dr.rer.nat. (Univ. Karlshruhre, Germany, 2004)
  5. Prof. Dr. Eng. Syafrizal: ST (ITB, 1996), MT (ITB, 2000), Dr.Eng. (Kyushu University, Japan, 2006)
  6. Dr. Eng. Asep Saepuloh: ST (ITB, 2004), MSc (Kumamoto University, Japan, 2007), Dr (Kumamoto University, Japan, 2010)
  7. Irwan Iskandar, ST., MT., Ph.D.: ST (ITB, 2001), MT (ITB, 2005), Ph.D. (Kumamoto University, Japan, 2010)
  8. Angga Bakti Pratama, S.Si., MT.: S.Si (ITB, 2012), MT (ITB, 2015) Ph.D. (Kyoto University, Japan (On progress))
  9. Betseba Sibarani, ST., MT.: ST (ITB, 2013), MT (ITB, 2017) Dr.rer.nat. (Univ. Karlshruhre, Germany (On progress))
  10. Dr.rer.nat. David P Sahara, ST., MT.: MT (ITB, 2015), Dr.rer.nat. (Univ. Karlshruhre, Germany, 2016)

Engineering Program

  1. Ir. Nenny Miryani Saptadji, Ph.D.: Ir (ITB, 1981), Ph.D. (Univ. Auckland, New Zealand, 1996)
  2. Dr.Eng. Ir. Sutopo M.Eng.: Ir (ITB, 1991), M.Eng. (Univ. Waseda Tokyo Japan, 1999), Dr (Univ. Waseda Tokyo, Japan, 2003)
  3. Zuher Syihab, ST., Ph.D.: ST (ITB, 1997), Ph.D. (Texas A&M University, USA, 2009)
  4. Ir. Ali Ashat Dipl.Geotherm.En.Tech: ST (ITB), Dipl. Geothermal Tech. (Univ. Auckland, New Zealand)
  5. Prof. Dr. Ir. Prihadi Setyo Darmanto: ST (ITB), Dr (Universte de Valencines. France)
  6. Dr. -Ing. Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun: ST (ITB, 1999), Dipl.Ing (Clausthal University of Technology, Germany, 2001), Dr. Ing. (Clausthal University of Technology, Germany, 2006)
  7. Dr. Willy Adriansyah, ST., MT.: ST (ITB), MT (ITB), Dr (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norwegia)
  8. Jooned Hendrarsakti, Ph.D.: Ph.D. (Texas A&M University, USA)
  9. Nurita Putri Handayani, ST., MT.: ST (UI, 2008), MT (ITB, 2011) Ph.D. (Kyoto University, Japan (On progress))
  10. Dimas Taha Maulana, ST., MT.: ST (ITB, 2010), MT (ITB, 2014) Ph.D. (Manchester University, UK (On progress))
  11. Heru Berian Pratama, ST., MT.: ST (ITB, 2009), MT (ITB, 2015) Ph.D. (Kyoto University, Japan (On progress))
