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Geothermal Guest Lecture Series

Geothermal Guest Lecture Series


We are pleased present the Guest Lecture from MK PB6026 Special Topic in Geothermal Engineering! There will be geothermal experts from company will be presenting interesting topics!

1. Dhanie Marstiga (PGE) – “Geothermal Reservoir Problem”
2. Ichwan Agusta Elfajrie (GDE) – “Productions Problem at Dieng Geothermal Field”
3. Rio Nugroho (SEWW) – “Production Problems at Wayang Windu Geothermal Field”
4. Anton Purwakusumah (SEWW) – “Power Plant Operations at Wayang Windu Field”
5. Mulyadi (SEWW) – “Field and Reservoir Optimization to Prolong Production Plateau”

🕟 Every Monday, 16.00 – 19.00 WIB
📍 Exploration Room of 2nd Energy Building, ITB
Registration: https://geothermal.itb.ac.id/event-registration/
This event for students of Geothermal Program (only Geothermal Master Program and Petroleum Engineering)

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