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Financial / Scholarship

Tuition Fee

BPP Semester I – 2013/2014 Magister Program
No. Class Fixed cost Credit (SKS )cost Remark
1 2007 Determined by Study Program Rp. 350.000,-/credit
2 2008 Determined by Study Program Rp. 350.000,-/credit BPPS student tuition fee is deducted from scholarship
3 2009 Rp. 3.250.000,- Rp. 450.000,-/credit

Notes: This excludes text book, photo copy or printed material and excursion.

Scholarship and Fellowship

Some scholarships and fellowships are available from Indonesian Government Institutions or Overseas Institutions through ITB or as a special program. For more detail information about scholarship please visit the link http://www.sps.itb.ac.id/en/scholarship/


USAID-STAR ENERGY Scholars Awards provide a range of opportunities for Indonesian citizens to develop their capacities, knowledge, and skills by performing a study and research at Magister Program of Geothermal Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Apply for this scholarship by filling out Application Form for USAID-STAR ENERGY SCHOLAR AWARD

Please return the scholarship application form to the following address:
Dr. Nenny Saptadji
Kepala Program Studi Teknik Panas Bumi
Magister Teknik Panas Bumi
Fakultas Teknik Perminyakan dan Pertambangan
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Bandung 40132

The soft file of the application form should be sent to the following email address: