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Geothermal Forum – Nenny M Saptadji

Geothermal Forum – Nenny M Saptadji

Call for ITB Geothermal Master’s Students and Alumni! Geothermal ITB would like to invite you to a private session. This week’s Geothermal Forum Webinar Series will invite a special motivator and also our beloved lecturer, Ir. Nenny Miryani Saptadji, Ph.D, to help us in understanding ourselves and explore our extent of potential. Details about the […]

Geothermal Forum – Abu Dawud Hidayaturrobi

Geothermal Forum – Abu Dawud Hidayaturrobi

Call for Geothermal Enthusiast! Geothermal ITB would like to invite you to our Geothermal Forum Webinar Series. This week we will invite Abu Dawud Hidayaturrobi, S.T. to share and discuss how to make comprehensive evaluation of well conducted involving multidisciplinary team (Drilling, Reservoir, Production, Geochemistry) in order to obtain better understanding the main cause of […]

Open Registration IIGW2021

Open Registration IIGW2021

Greeting Geothermal Enthusiast!!! It will be weeks ahead for the IIGW event, therefore We proudly announce the registration for participants of IIGW 2021 will be open on June 26th!!! Share the information to your friend and save the date!!! visit for more information https://geothermal.itb.ac.id/workshop2021/

Geothermal Training Series

Geothermal Training Series

Geothermal ITB kembali mengadakan Geothermal Training Series dengan salah satu topik berjudul: Geothermal Geosciences Data Evaluation, Conceptual Model, Well Targeting and Preliminary Resource Assessment (Open Course) Waktu Pelaksanaan: Juni 2021 (tanggal ditentukan kemudian) Pemateri: Dr. Eng. Ir. Suryantini, ST. Dipl. Geoth. En. Tech., M.Sc dan Ir. M. Ali Ashat, Dipl. Geoth. En. Tech Untuk mengikuti, […]

Geothermal Forum – Revisiting Kamojang Pressure Transient Data

Geothermal Forum – Revisiting Kamojang Pressure Transient Data

[pl_row] [pl_col col=12] [pl_text] Call for Geothermal Enthusiast! Geothermal ITB would like to invite you to our Geothermal Forum Webinar Series 2021. Transient pressure data can be used to gather information regarding the characteristics of reservoir conditions in a geothermal field. There are a number of production wells during the operation of Kamojang geothermal field, […]

Buku Teknik Geotermal Edisi 2

Buku Teknik Geotermal Edisi 2

Buku Teknik Geotermal Edisi 2 diterbitkan mengingat semakin banyaknya permintaan penggiat geothermal, lebih dari 500 buku pada edisi pertama dan 100 buku limited edition telah habis, artinya bahwa sangat antusias putra-putri Indonesia dalam mempelajari Ilmu geothermal. seperti disampaikan Penulis “Buku ini di dedikasikan untuk putra-putri Indonesia yang tertarik mempelajari bidang Teknik Geotermal serta mendukung peningkatan […]

Short Course Webinar IIGW X IAGI

Short Course Webinar IIGW X IAGI

Call for Geothermal Enthusiast! Geothermal ITB would like to invite you to our Short Course Webinar IIGW feat IAGI One alternative to reduce the resource risk during geothermal exploration is by using less expensive drilling method such as slim hole drilling instead of using standard or big hole drilling. Currently Government of Indonesia considers using […]

Geothermal Forum – Ir. M. Ali Ashat, Dipl. Geoth. Tech. and Heru Berian Pratama, S.T., M.T.

Geothermal Forum – Ir. M. Ali Ashat, Dipl. Geoth. Tech. and Heru Berian Pratama, S.T., M.T.

Call for Geothermal Enthusiast! Geothermal ITB would like to invite you to our Geothermal Forum Webinar Series. Integrated numerical modelling of reservoir and power plant thermodynamics are powerful tools to foresee the possibilities of future powerplant development, especially in deciding conversion technology. This week we will invite Ir. M. Ali Ashat, Dipl. Geoth. Tech. and […]

Geothermal Forum Webinar Series: Mohamad Husni Mubarok, Ph.D. – Operation&Engineering PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Forum Webinar Series: Mohamad Husni Mubarok, Ph.D. – Operation&Engineering PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy

Call for Geothermal Enthusiast! Geothermal ITB would like to invite you to our Geothermal Forum Webinar Series. Measuring single-phase fluid flow in a geothermal is challenging. Measuring two-phase flow is more complicated. An innovation on the two-phase fluid flow meter is extraordinary. This week we will invite Mr. Mohamad Husni Mubarok to share and discuss […]