Teaching Staff
Teaching staff will be researchers and professors from the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Technology (FTTM), Faculty of Earth Science and Technology (FITB). Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FTMD). Guest lecturers from relevant and prominent institutions and from geothermal industries will also be invited to provide practical knowledge and share their experiences in geothermal exploration, exploitation, and development.
- Dr. Ir. Dedy Irawan, S.T., M.T.
- Dr. Eng. Ir. Sutopo, M.Eng.
- Prof. Dr. Hendra Grandis
- Ir. Nenny Miryani Saptadji, Ph.D
- Dr. Eng. Ir. Suryantini, ST. Dipl.Geotherm.En.Tech., M.Sc
- Dr. Eng. Ir. Prihadi Sumintadireja, MS.
- Dr. rer. nat. Mohammad Rachmat Sule
- Dr. Ing. Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun
- Dr. Willy Adriansyah, S.T., M.T.
- Zuher Syihab, S.T., Ph.D
- Ir. Ali Ashat Dipl.Geotherm.En.Tech
- Prof. Dr. Eng. Syafrizal
- Dr. Eng. Asep Saepuloh
- Irwan Iskandar, S.T., M.T., Ph.D
- Jooned Hendrarsakti, Ph.D
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Prihadi Setyo Darmanto
- Nurita Putri Handayani, S.T., M.T.
- Dimas Taha Maulana, S.T., M.T.
- Heru Berian Pratama, S.T., M.T.
- Angga Bakti Pratama, S.Si., M.T.
- Betseba Sibarani, S.T., M.T.
Visiting Lecturers
Ir. M. Ali Ashat, Dipl. Geothermal Tech.
He was graduated from Petroleum Engineering Department of ITB in 1998. In November 1998, he was accepted as the student of Geothermal Institute, the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Upon his return, he continued to work and conduct research in Geothermal Laboratory, Petroleum Engineering Department of ITB. He is been involved in various tasks regarding geothermal development such as reservoir simulation, geothermal software development and also regulations for geothermal. He is now a visiting lecturer in Geothermal Magister Program, ITB. He teaches reservoir simulation, utilization, and economics of geothermal development.
Hendro H. Wibowo ST. MSc.
Graduated from Geology Department of ITB specialization in Geophysics (in 1997) gave him an opportunity to work as an Exploration Geophysicist in an International Company for Mineral Exploration. There, he gained many experiences in computers, database management, data processing, and networking. He is a multi-talents person. In 2003, he got a scholarship to advance his knowledge in Geophysics and Remote Sensing at ITC in the Netherlands. His multi-talent skills help Geothermal program running smoothly. He is now one of visiting lecturer in the Program. He is teaching remote sensing for exploration as part of the course. He is also maintaining computer systems to work properly. He also has been involved in various research and project related to Geothermal Exploration and Development.
Educational Staff
- Dra. Yutty Hendrawati (Administration Staff)
- Suhendi, S.Hut. (Academic Staff)
- Taufiq Rachman, A.Md., S.T. (Laboratory Staff)
Academic Assistant
- Dinda Permatasari RB, S.Si., M.T. (Engineering Courses)
- Fauziah Maswah, S.Si., M.T. (Exploration Courses)